The Cherrydeck Visual Trends Report gathers the most significant visual trends shaping the communication landscape and that will place your creative campaigns at the forefront.

With this edition of Cherrydeck’s Visual Trends Report, we want to inspire you with mood boards and help you shape your communication with works from some of our +55,000 talented members worldwide.

The report is designed to share the most significant trends so that you can make your own, powerful mark in the industry. Download the full report here, so that you know what to focus on before the year is over.


Trend #1: Embracing Diversity

The past year, more than any other has shown us that it is okay to be different. In fact, it should be encouraged.

Content that mirrors human differences with authenticity inspires and reaches wider audiences and helps to build a more equal and stable society. It is important to leave stereotypes behind if you want to enhance your overall brand image.

Cherrydeck visual trends report
Lloyd Wakefield | Manchester, UK
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Frauke Fischer-Ikeda | Berlin, Germany
Alexandre Kubler | Paris, France

Trend #2: Modern Aging

Over half of the world’s population is over 50 and still active socially and in the business landscape. It is time to throw those age-restricting stereotypes out the window and create powerful imagery that incorporates different ages in the most various scenarios.

Stay relevant by speaking to different audiences, not only by showing different ethnicities but also all age ranges.

Cherrydeck visual trends report
Melanie Marsman | Utrecht, Netherlands
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Giacomo Fanciullacci | Grosseto, Italy
Joséphine Leddet | Barcelona, Spain

Trend #3: Beauty in Nature

With climate change still on the agenda as one of this century’s most important topics, one of the greatest trends of 2021 is environmental-related content. It acts as a natural call to action and as a reminder of how beautiful our home is.

Consumers like to buy products and services that are environmentally friendly, so try visually showcasing these concepts.

Cherrydeck visual trends report
David Storm | Cape Town, South Africa
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Truls Aasnes | Laukhella, Norway
Jonathan Lieb | Copenhagen, Denmark

Trend #4: Vibrant Color Bursts

Incorporating a vibrant pop of color has always been something to encourage. Be unapologetic and steer away from traditional campaign shots. No matter if you are presenting makeup, fashion, commercial products, or cars — adding color will help your brand set itself apart from the rest.

Miriam Martín Price | Madrid, Spain
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Benjamin Whitley | London, UK
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Laura Bonnefous | Paris, France

Trend #5: Break Your Own Rules

Marketing campaigns are changing. It is not all about the traditional presentation of a product’s features anymore. Artistic approaches are gaining more and more room and brands are giving creatives enough space to develop out-of-the-box visual concepts. To remain a player on the most competitive digital platforms you need to set yourself apart from the remaining businesses.

Cherrydeck visual trends report
Rosemarie Schönthaler | Hamburg, Germany
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Francio Ferrari | Milan, Italy
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Michiel Spijkers | Utrecht, Netherlands

Trend #6: Blast From The Past

By now, we know that past trends always have a way of making a comeback. Whether it is through the big hairstyles from the 70s, the powerful makeup from the 80s, or the Sitcom-vibe from the 90s.

The fashion and editorial landscapes have already returned to many of these trends, and 2021 has more in store for us.

Fernanda Liberti | London, UK
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Steve Marais | Berlin, Germany
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Aude Lerin | London, UK

Trend #7: Minimalist Color Blocks

Still life shots that incorporate creative color choices and modernist design elements are helping brands to visually differentiate themselves and break through the usual noise of content online. Grab the attention of your audience in a more effective way.

Cherrydeck visual trends report
Alessandro Pollio | Milano, Italy
Luisa Hanika | Hamburg, Germany
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Christian Baumgartner | Madrid, Spain

Trend #8: Sustainability Reshaped

The way we eat, live, the things we buy, and the choices we make, are increasingly based on their sustainable impact. Trends towards a rawer and less destructive way of living keep growing and, just as individuals, brands are following the same path.

Download the full report to understand how different industries are reshaping the depiction of sustainability.

Matilda Kurtson Bellman | Stockholm, Sweden –
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Angie Lopez | Barcelona, Spain
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Katrin Winner | Munich, Germany

Trend #9: Community Concern

Especially in 2020, through the impact of Covid-19, brands that have shown their companionship towards activism and civic responsibility have seen the most turnovers. The idea of speaking to the consumers as part of the community lets off the feeling of support and compassion.

Cherrydeck visual trends report
Nina Masic | Minich, Germany
Florian Schüppel | Hamburg, Germany
Eric Gars | Hamburg, Germany

Trend #10: The Home Stretch

With quarantining having begun in the Spring of 2020, we all turned our home into a versatile space. Socializing, working, eating, and living were — or still are — all taking place in the same area.

Leave your consumers with the feeling of wanting to stay home, by showing beautiful interior photographs or creative home-based activities.

Giulia Maretti | Berlin, Germany
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Daniel Farò | Berlin, Germany
Cherrydeck visual trends report
Erica Brenci | Milan, Italy

Let’s sum it up

These were the top visual trends you should keep in mind when planning your content in 2021:

  1. Embracing Diversity
  2. Modern Aging
  3. Natural Beauty
  4. Vibrant Color Bursts
  5. Breaking Your Own Rules
  6. Blast From The Past
  7. Minimalist Color Blocks
  8. Sustainnabiility Reshaped
  9. Community Concern
  10. The Home Stretch

Are you a brand looking to create impactful visual content in 2021? Then download the Cherrydeck Visual Trends Report 2021.

Stay connected with us on LinkedIn and don’t miss out on our news and tips aimed at conceptualizing and portraying these trends. Find the best creative professionals who can help you achieve the best content, here.

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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